What you need
½ green apple
1 black grape, halved lengthways
1 mini box Organix raisins
Allergens warning
- This product contains:
- This product is suitable for:
No allergens
Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten free, No dairy

Start by coring the apple, then cut in half.
Place the apple cut-side down, then using a small sharp knife, score a long, thin triangle down the centre, taking care not to cut all the way through. Use the tip of your knife to remove the skin.
Score smaller lines into the apple for a fun beetle shell design if wanted.
Add the halved grape to the front of the beetle for the head. Take two slithers of apple skin and push them into the grape for antennae.
Scatter raisins around the bug for edible ‘dirt’.
Eat straight away!

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