Organix n is for nuts
Organix green text that says "super powers" on an orange background
Nuts Superpowers

● Each type of nut has its own vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
● Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, crucial for brain development, memory and learning.
● The combination of healthy fats, protein and fibre provides energy to active babies.
● Nuts can help keep little ones feeling fuller for longer, reducing frequent snacking or overeating.

We have lots of ideas to help you include nuts in your little one's diet. Please scroll down for more information.
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Schlurrrp, munch, crunch
Introducing nuts: Safety first! Whole nuts shouldn’t be given to children under the age of five as they are a choking hazard. Make sure the nuts are either crushed, ground or a smooth nut butter.
Find ideas for introducing nuts to each age group below.
A baby sitting on a high chair and eating
Introducing nuts at 6-9 months

Smooth nut butters – like peanut butter, almond butter or cashew butter – are a great way to introduce the flavour of nuts to your little one.

If the nut butter is too thick, thin it out with a little breast milk, formula or water.

Stir a small amount of nut butter into baby cereals, purees or yoghurt.

Spread a thin layer of nut butter on soft foods like banana slices or strips of bread.
A smiling baby holding some food
Introducing nuts at 9-12 months

Add finely ground nuts, like almonds or walnuts, into pancake batter for a nutty breakfast boost.

Add a spoonful of nut butter to a fruit and yoghurt smoothie for a creamy, flavourful twist.

Alternate a spoonful of plain yoghurt, mashed fruits and finely ground nuts in a small bowl to create a palate-pleasing parfait.
Two boys eating biscuits
Introducing nuts at 12-18 months

Go stir-fry crazy with nuts! Stir-fry veggies and protein with a drizzle of sesame oil and a sprinkle of crushed peanuts or cashews.

Create a trail mix by combining finely chopped nuts, dried fruits and wholegrain cereal or pretzels.
Whip up a batch of homemade energy snacks by combining finely ground nuts, dates and other nutritious ingredients of your choice (go nuts!). Roll the mixture into a sausage shape, then cut lengthways four times (like you’d do with sausages) and cut each quarter into bite-sized pieces. Finally, refrigerate for a delicious snack on the go.

Spread a thin layer of nut butter on mini pitta bread portions and let your little one decorate the ‘pizza’ with sliced fruits or veggie toppings.

Coat peeled bananas in a thin layer of nut butter, roll them in crushed nuts, and then freeze them on ice cream sticks. Voilà – a refreshing snack on a hot day!

Organix Recipes

Peanut Butter and Banana Puree
6-9 Months
See Recipe
Peanut Butter Frozen Yoghurt Bites
9-12 Months
See Recipe
Homemade almond & cashew butter
12-18 Months
See Recipe
Be aware of any family history of nut allergies. It’s crucial to be cautious as nut allergies can be fatal, so start by introducing small amounts and watch for any bad reactions, such as a rash, swelling, vomiting or difficulty breathing. If you notice any concerning symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.
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